An evening Length Evening Featuring
- The Last Beat of My Heart
- The Rapture
- In Rainbows
About Evoke
Is It The Destination? or The Journey? Or is it the goal to feel the same through it all?
EVOKE is an evening length work that is made up of 3 stand- alone sections.
- The Last Beat of My Heart
- The Rapture
- In Rainbows
Evoke as a whole is a work that deals with the emotional response we have to our mortality.
Life in a lull within ritual and devoid of response, we look to shake that cycle up with choices and experiences that would Evoke a different response.
Jacob Mora
Running Time
75 MIN
Contains Elements of Radiohead, The Mysterious Traveller, Apparat, Andrew Bird, Sigour Ros, Last Beat, Andrew Bird, Daniel Agust
The Last Beat Of My Heart
In the sharp gust of love my memory stirred
When time wreathed a rose a garland of shame
It’s thorn my only delight war torn
Afraid to speak, we dare to breathe
-Siouxsie Sioux
THE LAST BEAT OF MY HEART is a stand -alone work that is also the first part of the larger Evoke series.
This work has an amazing sound score, that pulls from old radio shows as well as modern sounds that have become a signature sound from choreographer Jacob Mora. Bounding through organized chaos to cinematic tableau, The Last Beat of my Heart explores relationship and the experience of wanting and needing more. Simple touch is never enough. It is the journey where we stand together.
The Rapture
“In Rapture we wait, or we wait in Rapture”
If there is a common thread that binds us, and the actions of our choices define us. Does this mean that despite our choices, we are still destined to end up in the same place? and if so, How is it that we wait? Do we sit on our hands? or do we live without care? In what manner do we act or react? Can we change our destiny?
With such large questions that are fundamentally unanswered and remain perspectives in faith. The Rapture is a beat driven spectacle, that charges into the body as commodity. Where are we at? What are we really waiting for? Is my wait patient or indulgent? Self Righteous? Self Absorbed? Humble? or devoid of belief?
THE RAPTURE is the Second Movement in the evening length EVOKE. Compelling as a whole this second movement has its own life.
In Rainbows
Because we separate
Like ripples on a blank shore
In rainbows
Because we separate
Like ripples on a blank shore
IN RAINBOWS is the third and final section of EVOKE.
In Rainbows goes through a release of energy and searches through the perspective that we need to connect with someone or something. With such a need to connect, it can feel like we are in a constant struggle to hold together whatever sense of together we have. It feels like we are being pulled apart. Or maybe it is that we are like Rainbows, very seperate but bound by journey and light. In Rainbows uses relationship and connection to come together with our differences. To define us and paint us in the colors we are.